How to Avoid Injuries In Sport

Injuries are very synonym towards people who practicing sports as their routine. The risk of you injured yourself when doing your training can be very high if you don’t take any precautions. Injuries can range from strains and sprains. With a plan, you can prevent injury and stay safe during your sports training.

Some of the most common causes of exercise injuries include exercising before your body has warmed up, repeating the same motion over and over again, not having proper form for your training, not resting in between workouts, pushing your body too hard and not using proper equipment.
This is the list you can do to avoid injuries:

1. Warm up and Cool down.

Warming up before exercise gets your blood flowing, warms up your muscle, and helps you avoid injury. The easiest way to warm up is to exercise slowly for the first 10 minutes and then pick up the pace as the time goes on. For example, before playing futsal, jog briefly for about 10 minutes.
You should also cooling down after exercise to bring your heart rate and body temperature back to normal. Cool down by ending your routine at a slower pace for the last 5 to 10 minutes.

2. Stretching.

To stay flexible, you should stretch at least 2 times a week but actually there’s no clear evidence that stretching really helps reduce injury. You can only stretch after you have warm up.

3. Use the right equipment.

Using a proper sports equipment can greatly reduce your risk of injury. Safety equipment for your sport may include; footwear, helmets, mouth-guards, protective guards, etc.

4. Learn a proper form.

If you’re a beginner, do not just jump to the intermediate level of training. Just start from the basic and climb your way up from there.

Keep follow Journal Bullet for more tips in the future! Thank you

By Kamal Nizam


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