A personal experience on reading books.

I was never an avid reader before, I've only started earlier this year where i picked up a book titled 'Mastery' by Robert Greene.

Just for context, it is an informational self-help book on how a person can master a skill like previous 'masters' such as Napoleon, Albert Einstein and and Malcolm X. It wasn't long until i picked up another book which i found around my house which is Maze Runner (made into a blockbuster years ago).

Actually, i didn't turn into a book hermit in one night. It was impossible to finish my first book i couldn't even get through the introduction without getting bored. Then i found one tip on the internet which told me to at least read a page a day. I tried and it somehow worked.

Over the time i would start reading more than one page a day, then i couldn't get enough of the book. I would sacrifice my sleep to read a book and that never happened before. I was surprised by myself and felt an accomplishment after finishing it.

That are the effects of finishing a book. It used to be a primary medium a long time ago but nowadays people rarely read books. It is even proven that most successful people are readers.

If you've been looking for something new to pick up or a new hobby to try, read a book if you haven't done it.

By Safwan Kasim


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